The Fund’s investment objectives are to seek for long-term growth of capital, maximize investors’ profit and outperform all Vietnam indexes. In pursuing this objective, the Fund focuses on investing in listed and prelisted securities of Vietnamese companies that offer superior opportunities for growth. The Fund seeks to invest in companies with strong characteristics including an experienced and proven management team that supports corporate governance and financial transparency, a high-growth business model, differentiated products or services, superior competitive advantages, a significant market share, and a clear and demonstrable exit strategy for investors.

Thien Viet Growth Fund 5 – TVGF5 

TVGF5 is a closed-end fund with a 5-year lifespan, listed on HoSE with a diversified investment strategy in listed and prelisted Vietnamese companies. During its lifespan, TVGF5 shares will be traded on HoSE like other listed stocks.

TVGF5's documents

TVGF5 Fund Performance (%) ›

Dividend History

TVGF4 Fund Performance (%) ›

Dividend History
- May 15th, 2024: 10% cash dividend, equivalent to VND1,000/share

TVGF3 Fund Performance (%) ›

Dividend History
- May 15th, 2024: 10% cash dividend, equivalent to VND1,000/share

TVGF2 Fund Performance (%) ›

Dividend History
- May 13th 2021: cash dividend, VND2,000/share
- Jan 19th 2022: cash dividend, VND5,000/share

TVGF Fund Performance (%) ›

Dividend History
- Nov 7th 2017: cash dividend, VND1,000/share
- Apr 25th 2019: cash dividend, VND2,000/share
- Feb 19th 2021: cash dividend, VND2,000/share